Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
Abstract: (104 Views)
In order to evaluation of quantitative and qualitative of forage yield in intercropping of barley with vetch , a two-year field experiment was conducted during 2015 and 2016 growing seasons at the Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Station of Miyandoab. Experimental design was a randomized complete block design with four replications. Arrangement consisted of 80% Barley + 20% Vetch, 60% Barley + 40% Vetch, 40% Barley + 60% Vetch, 20% Barley + 80% Vetch, along with sole culture of both crops (100% barley and100%Vetch). The results showed that the highest fresh yield (7.28 t/ha) and dry (3.26 t/ha) yield of forage, neutral detergent fiber (52.22%) and acid detergent fiber (58.22) and water-soluble carbohydrate (21.23%) was devoted to pure barley culture (100% barley), However, The highest percentage of crude protein (25.18%), digestible dry matter (63.39%) and forage ash (5.66%) and the lowest amount of neutral detergent fiber (30.48%) and acid detergent fiber (39.21%) was allocated to pure stand of vetch. In terms of dry forage yield, protein yield and percentage of ash, mixing ratios of 80% barley+ 20% of vetch and 40% barley + 60% vetch showed the highest quality in intercropping treatments and LER . Considering that with the increase in the ratio of vetch in intercropping system, the amount of protein increased and neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber was reduced, the presence of vetch in the intercropping system with barley increases the quality of forage in intercropping system.
Khraryan B, Farahvash F, Mohammadi S, mirshekari B, rashidi V. Evaluation of Quantitative and Qualitative of Forage Yield in Intercropping of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) with Vetch (Vicia Villosa Roth). فیزیولوژی گیاهان زراعی 2024; 16 (63) :59-77 URL: